Homeward Bound: The Return of the Divine Masculine to its Source

Jay Campbell
3 min readDec 25, 2020

We’re all familiar with the expression, “there are plenty more fish in the sea,” no doubt recited to us with the best of intentions, by a friend or loved one, following an emotionally painful break-up. Did it help? Probably not. And yet, some time later, for most of us, it turned out to be 100% accurate. Even those who’ve lost lifelong partners and “soul mates” are able to find love again, often to their own amazement.

We shouldn’t find this so surprising, however, because it’s not ultimately individuals who we are in-love with, no matter how uniquely wonderful we believe them to be. The word ‘heterosexuality’ is non-specific, after all. And whilst personal proclivities may cause us to gravitate towards a certain type of person, the truth is that we are not in-love with either individuals or categories of individuals. What we, as heterosexual men, are all so madly and passionately in-love with, is the energy of the divine feminine itself, which has been so exquisitely embodied in form.

Whilst marriage may seem perfectly normal, for the human species, history shows that “coupling” has merely been normalised. Certainly, the whole idea of marriage was born of practicality, and from the concept of ownership, rather than human love. The notion of a romantic marriage didn’t actually emerge until the medieval period. But, even so, there was still an inherent practicality to it, just as there is today. It also exploits the natural love between the genders, and channels it into something that’s beneficial to the state, which operates on the principle of divide and rule. Indeed, it’s precisely this slicing up of humanity, through coupling — and, by extension, the family group— that made way for every subsequent division, through which we’ve been enslaved.

Patriarchy has been waging a brutal war against Goddess worship since antiquity. It’s an unwinnable war, however, because Goddess worship is our natural and default spirituality. All they can do is attempt to hold the balloon beneath the surface of the water. Which they must, because the balloon represents the rising of the Goddess energy, and therefore the rising of humanity, out of bondage, and into freedom.

This is why the state — and, by implication, the public mind that it controls — will absolutely endorse and support the notion of worship (essentially), in terms of one man’s devotion to one woman. But that’s it. The idea of a marriage between genders, and of a society that’s actually founded upon this dynamic, is pure crazy talk! Yes, how crazy it is for humanity to want to end its association with government, and war, and nation states, and capitalism, and mind-control, and economic slavery, and everything that patriarchy has spent so much time and energy constructing. Or, rather, our time and energy.

And this brings me back to my original point, because as long as we continue to see one another as individual fish, then we remain completely blind to the true purpose and function of the gender dynamic. Obviously, it’s natural to fall in love with one person, over another. But let us never forget the truth: That it’s the divine feminine that actually elicits our love. It’s She who ultimately commands our devotion, above and beyond physical forms and faces, which are as ephemeral as fireflies. And when we realise this, and begin to form communities that are based upon this realisation, then the divine masculine will have finally begun its journey home, to its beloved and eternal Source.


