The Global Gender Agenda: Putting Humanity in Checkmate

Jay Campbell
9 min readNov 12, 2020

“The war against women has become a war against the gender dynamic itself, in a bid to create a race of androgynous, AI-controlled cyborgs, who wouldn’t look out of place on a Borg cube. And the reason they’re doing this is because the natural gender dynamic, properly understood and expressed, has the power to end patriarchy and lead the human family into a golden age.” — Autistic Mystic

In case you hadn’t noticed, the power elite of this world — or TPTB, or the cabal, or the cult, or the Illuminati, or whatever you want to call them — have become slightly obsessed with what’s going on between your legs. But it’s not a ‘leftist plot’ (please can we stop buying into this false left-right paradigm once and for all), and it has nothing to do with Reptilians (bless their little cotton socks). Nor is it anything new; not really.

There’s an ever-increasing number of people who are speaking out on this subject now, including the author indicated above, Ashley McGuire. And whilst they’re generally doing a great job, in bringing these matters to light, none of them grasp the true significance of what they’re exposing, or why everything seems to boil down to gender, at the end of the day.

Furthermore, even as they correctly highlight the sinister nature of political correctness, many of them have, themselves, been subtly influenced by it. I know this because even the most ‘awake’ people on the planet, right now, would have a hard time with what I am pointing to, in terms of gender roles. And this is quite strange, considering how the notion of a man devoting his life to a woman was, until relatively recently, considered perfectly natural, albeit within the confines of marriage.

Obviously, what I am advocating, or putting forth as the solution to all of this, has nothing to do with marriage or returning to the 1950's.

But still, any whiff of gender bias, even in favour of women, is enough to bring out the thought-control policeman in all of us (by design). The question is, precisely how many of your thoughts and opinions are truly your own? Few people ever stop to ask themselves this question, not least because they are too busy promoting and defending those very thoughts and opinions.

I suspect the answer, if it were known, would shake the average person to their core; it would certainly shake them awake, if nothing else. What, for example, if the answer were zero? Could you handle that? Where would that leave you, emotionally? And to whom would you look, in order to regain some sense of reality?

If you’re not worried by any of this, because you believe that your thoughts and choices in life are largely your own… Well, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to believe. That’s the point.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” — Goethe

What if I told you that, because “reality” exists outside of this, or any other, social construct, or matrix, then the answer to the question (of how many thoughts/opinions are your own), is, by definition, close to zero? In other words, very few of your thoughts and opinions have any relevance whatsoever outside of this wholly contrived environment. You simply borrow them, fight over them, and then leave them behind. The system doesn’t care what you believe, because you are a product of the system, and whatever you believe will have come from that system, one way or another.

Why is this relevant to gender? Because how people view this subject, in particular, is going to determine the future of humanity.

What the heck is going on?

This is a spiritual war, and until we realise that, we’ll never understand what’s happening around us, in the physical, where various battles are taking place. It’s not particularly complicated, but it is so different from what people have been led to believe, and so “outside” of their collective mental prison, that all but the freest of thinkers will have trouble accepting it as true.

What triggered this war? Put simply, elements of the divine masculine (just think of it as energy), chose to use their power, not in service to the feminine, as was ordained, but in order to usurp Her authority and, ultimately, Her power.

Consider a male child, for example. By the time he’s an adult, he is much bigger and stronger than his mother; more powerful, in many ways. However, it’s a “brute force,” and it does not, in any way, make him superior to his mother. Far from it.

Of course, he has the power to overwhelm her, in a physical fight. But, under normal circumstances, he would never consider doing so. Why? Because he loves his mother and knows that he owes his life to her. Besides, even if he didn’t love his mother, there would be nothing to be gained from attacking her. However, that’s not the case on the spiritual plane. For there is a great deal to be gained from usurping the divine feminine, or even attempting to.

If all of this sounds a little far-fetched, just consider the kind of stories that mainstream religion would have us believe.

Starting from scratch

The most potent energy in the universe is expressed through the gender dynamic. Indeed, it’s the biological imperative, and without it there would be no life — human, animal or otherwise. On one level we know this as sexual intercourse. However, it’s about a lot more than just sex. This very same energy, for example, is what makes a man feel naturally more protective towards his mother than his father, or towards his sister than his brother (generally speaking, of course). In fact, it’s what makes a man feel protective towards any woman who is in trouble, or threatened, even if she is able to handle the situation herself. Ultimately, and in an ideal world, all men (representing the divine masculine) feel unconditional love towards all women (representing the divine feminine). This naturally reflects the underlying (or overarching) spiritual reality.

Protection is only one part of the equation, however. At a deeper level, the inclination of men, towards women, might be more broadly described in terms of service and devotion. However, for social/cultural reasons, and very often for practical, legal and financial reasons too, a man is generally forced to choose just one woman, to whom he can devote his life. But this situation is rarely ideal, as we have seen. It’s not ideal because it’s not natural. A marriage is not, after all, an example of unconditional love; quite the opposite.

As a result, human beings have become divided, and their energy directed toward the system, rather than toward each other. Religion, politics, schooling, and the need for money are all aspects of the patriarchal system that ensure our enslavement to it. The only solution, therefore, is to start again, from scratch.

My goal is to therefore create an online community of some kind, comprised of people who resonate with what I’m saying. As the community grows, possibilities will emerge to take it offline, and off-grid. This is when we’ll truly begin to lead by example, creating a template for others who want to form their own local communities. For now, however, I’ll leave you with a taste of where ‘they’ would prefer to take us — and are taking us.

Sex Scandal by Ashley McGuire

Men and women used to cheer: vive la différence!

But now, contrary to all science and common sense, we’re supposed to believe that there is no difference. (And if you insist there is, you just might be accused of a hate crime!)

Our culture — and our laws — are endorsing a worldview rooted in craziness.
For instance, we’re told that:

•Boys who think they’re girls (and who could change their minds tomorrow) should be allowed to participate in girls’ sports — and shower in their locker rooms

•Expectant mothers are now “birthing individuals”

•Coed college dorm rooms and bathrooms are great, but single-sex clubs are a campus danger

•It’s horrible for stores to have separate boys and girls clothing departments (let alone toy sections)

•It would be a great idea for our military to lower physical standards and push young women and mothers into combat roles in the military

If you think that’s insanity, you’re not alone, but you might be surprised at just how widespread — and successful — this lunatic campaign has become.

In her compelling new book, Sex Scandal, journalist Ashley McGuire takes this radical campaign to task and reveals:

•How so-called “gender-norming” flies in the face of science (which is proving that men and women are even more different than commonly acknowledged)

•Why — especially if you have kids — it’s almost impossible to avoid the dangerous consequences of a “gender neutral” world

•How embracing sexual differences can make policing safer, government more efficient — and hedge funds lose less money

•How “gender neutrality” is making women more vulnerable to violence

•How the word “gender” — formerly a grammatical term — has been used to dismiss the reality of definite, biological “sex” (male and female) with fluid “gender identities”

•Why “gender” insanity is not something we can just ignore and hope will fade away, but need to refute — now — with hard, cold facts before it does any more damage (which it likely will)

Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female is packed with news-breaking interviews, shocking examples, and “inconvenient” facts that everyone needs to read — and act on. review: “Reading this book was a major wake up call. Although many of us hear anecdotal stories here and there that demonstrate how the gender issue is gaining steam, I had no idea this ideology has penetrated our culture so deeply. Despite the medical community’s evidence that sex is a more significant index than previously thought, gender radicals are relentlessly strong-arming their agenda of gender neutrality and gaining momentum across America like a rapidly spreading virus. Written in a smart, modern tone, thoroughly researched (61 pages of footnotes), and covering many segments of society (schools, universities, the military, sports, hollywood,etc.), this book demonstrates the bizarre schizophrenia that characterizes the elite ‘thought police’ of the extreme Left. Where the Left used to claim the moral high ground in supporting women and their rights across the board, Mcguire reveals how their current agenda of denying the differences between male and female is actually leaving women more vulnerable than ever as this gender theory delegitimizes claims of abuse or discrimination that originate from our sex. This book is not shrill or whining — McGuire encourages empathy for those who genuinely do experience confusion about their sex, but she does meticulously and logically argue the benefits to all of recognizing our unique differences. The author frequently uses her own personal stories to illustrate her platform. Sex Scandal is an important book for just about ANY reader, from an academic in the throes of the issue to a new parent contemplating the challenges and choices ahead for their child. How society narrates what IDENTITY is impacts ALL of us directly and deeply. It’s time to wake up and use our voice. Thank you for this tool Ashley McGuire.”

“Human biology is under siege — at the workplace, on the playing field, in classrooms and bathrooms, and even in our dictionaries! In this ground-breaking and meticulously researched book, Ashley McGuire plunges into every front of the progressives’ war on the sexes. She rips the lid off the Left’s obliteration of the fundamental differences between men and women. She exposes the profound havoc militant feminists and gender-bending crusaders are causing in our schools and culture. Sex Scandal searingly documents how the radical pursuit of ‘gender neutrality’ threatens true equality for all. McGuire’s work is both an invaluable resource and a brave public service.”
— Michelle Malkin, New York Times bestselling author of Culture of Corruption and Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild

“The ‘war on boys’ turned into a rout and we now live in an Orwellian society where everything about ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ is dictated to us by a group of powerful, ideological bullies. Ashley McGuire documents where we are, how it happened, and what’s next in exacting — and harrowing — detail.”
— Jonathan V. Last, author of What to Expect When No One’s Expecting: America’s Coming Demographic Disaster and senior writer at the Weekly Standard

“In her important book Sex Scandal, Ashley McGuire sounds the alarm on the destructive drive to eliminate sex differences. With devastating facts and figures she exposes the radical gender warriors who deny reality as the enemy of women’s true equality.”
— Kate O’Beirne, former Washington editor of National Review and author of Women Who Make the World Worse

“A masterful indictment of the Sexual Revolution and all its empty promises, Sex Scandal establishes Ashley McGuire as a powerful new voice and leader in the rising counterculture. Stylishly written, morally urgent, and logically flawless, this breakthrough book is essential reading for an age of delusion.”
— Mary Eberstadt, author of It’s Dangerous to Believe, How the West Really Lost God, and Adam and Eve after the Pill

